Thank you for warmly welcoming me into the Cougar Family. All across Mobile, Corpus Christi is described as such a sweet and wonderful school. I am excited that my family and I get to be a part of such a wonderful place.
It has been such a pleasure meeting and getting to know your children. I have been visiting every class each week for 30-minute classroom lessons. So far, your children have learned who I am, my role at the school, and the importance of listening and fairness.
I know many students participated in Rainbows and have asked when this group will begin. I'm hoping to begin this group mid-October. This week students in grades 3-5 completed a needs assessment. I am linking a parent needs assessment that I would like for you to complete.
Complete the Parent Needs Assessment
Please know that I truly care about your child's physical, mental, and spiritual health. I am here as an additional resource for you and your child. I am not here to put anything new or something they've never heard before in front of them. I want to integrate what God's word says about who your child is and what that looks like from a mental health perspective.
Parenting is hard! We are not meant to parent alone. It's important that we surround ourselves with POSITVE, Christian people who want the best for us. We are updating the School Counselor website page to incorporate parent resources.
I will be available for short individual conversations with your child on Fridays unless it is an emergency. I will be conducting classroom visits and small groups Monday - Thursday. Your child can either ask their teacher to come see me or send me an email. All students and teachers have been informed about this procedure.
Complete Needs Assessment - this is from YOUR point of view.
Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions. We are a team!